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A SMART 2022!

Writer: Ijale AyomikunIjale Ayomikun

You guysss

Oh my God

Have you set goals for 2022?

I’m one for sticking to schedules and even as an INFJ, it’s still very necessary for me to have my goals written down.

But we all know we’ve tried doing things without being intentional and it didn’t work out so well😐

Writing out your goals is like writing a letter to yourself everyday reminding you of all the things you so wish to achieve (as long as you’re being “down to earth” about it).

It leaves this feeling of contentment.

This feeling of hope.

This should be you>>>

“You know, things might actually work out this year for me”

“I know what I want”

“I should be able to write it all down”

Anything written down is more likely to be acted upon than what is left in our subconcious.

“It should be able to spark that fire in me, that every goal I cross out, brings me closer to the end result”

Let’s talk about SMART goals

Specific- This is you telling yourself that these goals show that I’m determined and precise enough to know what I want. eg. I will update my blog THRICE A WEEK making 12 times a month

Now that’s overly specific!

You’ve worked everything out, making plainer, the tasks!

Measurable- This is you setting a goal that can be ”achieved” in a specific “time frame“.

You set goals that align with your values.

An example of you being specific could be;

I hope to start gyming every Saturday in a month.

A measurable goal could be;

I’d reduce my intake of carbs in every meal.

which leads us to;

Achievable- Let’s say you own an Instagram handle but you hardly post, you push against your limits and tell yourself;

“You know what, I will start posting content related to my niche four times a week”

This is tagged “achievable” because you know your schedule is made in a way that you can actually accomplish the above.

If you have more going on and you know that you can’t post up to four times a week, you cut it down a bit only because you’re SOOO sure you can’t do it.

A schedule for the day’s activities is also good too. You’re being real with yourself. You aren’t being too simple and also not too pretentious. You set “accomplishable” goals that won’t bring about a set back to you.

In other words, before you set your goals, make sure you have the necessary stuff(motive) to achieve them.

Realistic- This is you being true to yourself, knowing what you can achieve at a given time...mind you, you aren’t settling in your comfort zone but at the same time, you aren’t setting “over the top” and impractical goals that will drain you and leave you hopeless. eg. I will read 15 pages of this book a day and complete it by the end of the month(depending on the book)

That’s being true to yourself!

You can’t read a whole book in a day.

(That’s being absurd and too confident if you ask me)

Sure, confidence is good but you can’t be too “over your head”!

Besides, you have other things to do that day! Don’t you!?🤨

Time frame- A given time to have it done so you know when and when to cross the “done deals” out and you can set more goals once you’ve accomplished one eg finished a course in two months, perhaps you want to do another one in another two months or you start implementing what you’ve learnt in the next month.

This is actually a means of pushing yourself beyond what you “think” you can do.

Perhaps you used to complete a course in three months, working it out and fixing it into your schedule, you realize you can actually do it in two months instead!

A time frame is always precise.

You know that once it’s two months, you should have completed that goal and it’s off to another one.

And perhaps you hadn’t completed the goal; at least you’d have covered it to an extent.

You set a shorter time frame to complete it.

It makes it easier for you to set more goals and beat around the bush less.


Once you’re up in the morning, take time to go through your goals reminding yourself what’s next.

And also, goals can be established along the way.

Don’t give yourself a hard time!

We’re all still figuring out everything concerning this journey of greatness.

Don’t give yourself so much stress writing out goals you’re still reluctant about.

Perhaps you think you can‘t do it yet.

There’s no rush!

Comparing yours to what your friend “seems” to have all figured out.

and who says they have it all figured out?😭

Umm excuse me

no they don’t

we all don’t...respectfully

If you aren’t sure about it, skip for the meantime.

be REALISTIC with yourself

Let it come easy to you.

Don’t force it; and as you cross the ones you already have figured out as the year goes by, you realize you’ll actually accomplish much more than you thought you would.

So far as you’re moving, that’s what counts

A goal achieved leads to “many more opportunities” which opens the door for more goals.

And just in case you aren’t planning to;


<No matter how little you think it is.

Invest in yourself!!!

<It’s for your future.

It always yields to something great.

Trust me.

This is just something to get us started in 2022.

If you guys would love something like this again, don’t hesitate to tell me in the comments section please:)

We’ve had so many setbacks in previous years where we hoped for something big and it didn’t work out.

and ye, we watched another year go by.

Not this time!

I believe you still have that hope sizzling in you cuz this year is going to be different!

as long as you take charge!💪🏽

Don’t sleep on it!

Like this post if you found it helpful.

Comment on what really stuck to you.

It’d mean so much to hear from you.❤️

And share with people you know would benefit from this.

(We all need some encouraging for the new year)

Cheers to a SMART 2022!🍉💚


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