I know this is a little bit different from the rest as regards to my niche(productivity & lifestyle), but living a blameless life as a Christian (or soon to be😉) is a lifestyle, ain’t it?
Stick with me and learn what I got to unravel in the three temptations in the Word.
1st Temptation
The devil said: “If you truly are the Son of God,”
This alone speaks volumes.
The Devil trying to presume on our identities in God and therefore testing the Father.
He’s therefore saying:
If God forgives everything, it doesn’t matter how you live. You don’t have to fast or wait on Him. What’s the use? You’re a Christian already, aren’t you?
He leaves that feeling of “Instant/ temporary Gratification” that is, leaving us feeling hollow afterwards which also happened in the days of Adam and Eve. He makes us feel it’s not so important to fast.
The devil then tempts Jesus by saying “turn this stones to bread” which initiates His reply;
“People do not leave by bread alone but by every word that precedes from the mouth of God”.
Material things can never satisfy. No matter how good or valuable it seems.(That should be left ringing in our heads).
There is always this spiritual hunger that can only be satisfied by “every word that comes from the mouth of God”. Which fasting helps to unfold.
2nd Temptation
The devil tempts Jesus here, taking His Father’s loving protection for granted, putting it to the test.
What does that entail?
Testing God by trying to skip prayers hence it becomes a “hunger strike” or breaking the fast way before it should be broken.
The Devil said; “He will give his angels orders concerning you, and they will support you with their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”
Just like the first, he wants us to feel that no matter what happens, the Lord will always come through for us, no matter the sin. Even as this is true, it still has a bit of twist by the Devil;
We do not plan to sin, hoping God will forgive us.
We must not test Him believing that nothing will go wrong; just like I have listed above.
3rd Temptation
Here, we see the devil telling Jesus to “bow down” before him.
The devil wants us to get involved in his own ways to get the materialistic things we desire(kingdoms of the world), just by “bowing down and worshiping him”.
Saying if only you follow him in his ways, he promises.
Lori iro! (Pretty sure we all know this but if not; to the best of my understanding, it means a lie:)
Manipulating us to achieve HIS ENDS by the wrong means!
Everything we could possibly need or deserve is gotten in Jesus Christ.
Why be manipulated, taking the way of destruction?
The “supposed” shortcuts to riches and wealth.
Again, I say, lori iro.
For there is something far more greater in Heaven that lasts for eternity, which the Lord God would give us Himself.
If we desire the “earthly riches”;
Matthew 6:33 says,
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.”
you’re welcome:)
So remember,
“Worship the Lord, your God and serve Him only”.
In conclusion, what fasting would also do by; studying His Word and waiting on Him, is to reveal God’s character and loving nature to us which also deepens our relationship with Him.
This protects us from the devil’s lies and helps us resist whatever temptation comes plainly or in the form of “truth”.
Be rest assured that there will be battles and also blessings but the blessings will always outweigh the battles!
And just like the Bible suggests, the Angels of God came after to comfort Jesus, more so, the Lord will come and take care of all our needs.
Hope we all loved and enjoyed this.
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And pass this on to anyone you know will need this.
Have a lovely, fulfilled fast!✨
~Ijale Ayomikun
Such a refreshing read. Thank you 💜 ~ Your AP