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Writer: Ijale AyomikunIjale Ayomikun

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

I’ve been away for a while now and I’m sorry about that but I’m back with advice that works!

Yes for me but you won’t see people talking about this just anywhere.

I’m just gonna go straight to the point with this.

We need to stop following TRENDS.

Do what works for you and stick to it. Don’t go around looking for so much information to consume. It leaves you worse off than you started.

Trust your gut and instinct to know what’s right and give yourself breaks!


Let me break that down.

Before I understood this, I was all over the internet grabbing whatever information seemed right and trying to fix them into my routine just because it worked for others.

I did this because I wanted results fast, I wanted my life as smooth and effortless as possible which is actually the easiest way to living like the downright opposite because I stuck to what worked for people and didn’t realize I had to indoctrinate what worked for ME as a person.

I didn’t trust myself to know what I was capable of. It was what I thought I needed, trying to take in everyone’s way of life just because it was available and again seemed to work for someone I knew from absolutely nowhere! Come to think of it, jeez!

But what do I mean by trusting your instincts?

  • Knowing when to act on the information you have and not just consuming mindlessly.

  • Knowing whether to open up your clique or not.

  • Knowing whether you need advice or it’s just gonna leave you dumbfounded and sidetracked.

Yes some advice does cause more harm than good!

I know this sounds crazy but stick with me.

Now, just because I said you shouldn’t just take whatever’s online and consume doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your probing and fact-finding but that’s the problem!

We want speedy results, we don’t do our homework (in-depth research) to know what actually works for us and what doesn’t. Just because it worked for him/her doesn’t mean it’s for you chile.

Now you’ve done your research and gathered up the RIGHT information, it’s time to actually “DO”.

This was also something I needed to bridle.

I knew what to do but I just didn’t do it.

This is what helped;

•I was selective on the information I consumed.

I stopped consuming the information that was wrong for me. Eg audio books, podcasts, workout routines, life hacks, you name it!

Now this is where we know to be selective: she’s a photographer and you’re a writer yet you follow her advice on books she reads that helped (not necessarily about photography) and you believe it would work for you.

Or this trick to help you study easier using the Cornell method.

You immediately try it but it doesn’t work for you and wonder what’s wrong hoping to find something else online when you actually assimilate faster simply by waking up at night for 2 hours everyday!😹

Like I said earlier on; we don’t trust ourselves that we could make it so we take the shortcuts, the easier way out;

the ones that worked for people we have no relation with in terms of niche and most importantly, purpose! Trust yourself more to take the wheel on YOUR journey to greatness and make sure not to bring no outsider with you.

You may be wondering;

“How do I know what’s right for me?”

Well first off, know that no one can help you (yes you got that right!)

But trust your intuition; (it’s your second brain,you know)

“What does this info say about me, sure it worked for them and it makes a whole lot of sense but is it for me? Am I considering this just because it’s accessible?

Am I just gonna remain excited about this and not do the work needed?

These are the questions to ask yourself.

I prioritized activities that I know will actually bring positive results.

Act on your word, and do what you know is right for YOUR results.

I’m a Christian right and because I want to have the right relationship with God and not just practice religion.

I went online, searching and downloading every information that I saw hoping it’ll help since it happened to work for fellow Christians.

I stumbled upon a Tiktok.

The lady was actually telling her followers to stop watching her videos and at first I was like “is she crazy or sum?” But she explained and what she said was exactly the narration of this blog post.

She said and I don’t quote lol;

“I know that you all want help on how to get closer to God and build a relationship with Him and all that stuff but just stop for a minute, take a step back , leave what’s online and actually look within, ask God to show Himself to you, read the Word and stop looking for other ways of having a relationship with Him when he’s right there to show you the way.

Let Him know that you actually want that connection not because you see others do it and hope for it to work for you because it’s available and appears exciting. It’s their life, learn to create yours.

Inculcate your own personalized relationship with Him and watch everything unfold gradually for you.

It’s you and God; not God, you and them.

a little diversion yeah but was needed right?

Let’s head back.

***heading back***

It’s your life to live and not theirs to control. Trust yourself enough to embrace the trials and errors.

Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and actually LIVE every step of the way. Breathe, okay?

Note to self:




90% of everything is in you already.

Whether you believe it yet or not, It’s there.


Only 1 out of 10 people would actually tell you the reality to these things; would tell you to LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR YOU and that’s why you can read this as many times as possible so it becomes a part of you.

We learn everyday so I’ll love to hear from you in the comments section or drop me a message through email.❤️ It means a lot to me truly.😊

In a world full of people following trends on how to live their life, choose your trend; and that should be originality. Be YOU.

Ijale Ayomikun

I hope this was explanatory enough and I hope you do your homework properly, the best way possible for you.

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