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Writer: Ijale AyomikunIjale Ayomikun

Updated: Nov 18, 2021

Have you known the frustration of getting rid of your anxiety? It’s about as easy as putting out a fire with gasoline! random >3

Anyways, the main content✨

It’s kinda hard to believe that those you see excelling actually went (and still go) through a whole lot.

They aren’t where they are today because it was simply handed to them.

No way!

I’m one of them.

And just because my niche is productivity and lifestyle doesn’t mean I’m problem free.

No one on planet earth is.

Hence, my mission statement.(Check the welcome page)

We’re all still navigating life and trying to enjoy the present no matter what we go through.

Though I’ve put together what has been working for me and no doubt will work for you too.

Distance yourself from people that you know will only drain you and leave you hopeless.

They’re here to use every little thing to hurt you and make you feel like your journey isn’t worth it.

Your definition of journey should be anything you wish to endeavor in and become great/successful in.

And coming to realize what you want out of life, a lot of people that you think would and should support you actually wouldn’t; and you start wondering what you did wrong, don’t panic though it’s all part of the phase.

Diana Eneje, the teenage influencer, once tweeted and it stuck to me;

”If you don’t know what you want from life, you won’t know who to move with and who not to”.

“No one wants to be in your journey”

Some don’t even want you to embark on that journey

And some want you to get lost and keep wandering around on that journey.

Only a few would want you to reach your destination.

But primarily, you are your own hero and friend.

Don’t let what others say or don’t say depict how you handle your journey.

It’s yours to fight and their opinions don’t count literally.

What happens when everything seems not to go the way you want it to.

Personally, I begin getting frustrated and upset at myself trying to figure everything out (when I can’t) and ruining my mood for the rest of that day.

Honestly, we can’t figure out anything that’s completely out of our control, we put way too much load on ourselves, overthinking and stuff especially when we want things fast.

Say for instance; learning the basics to Digital Marketing which includes ROI, KPI, SEM, SEO and the rest and expecting to implement it successfully at your first try or perhaps learning the entire course on Digital Marketing in one week!

Digital Marketing is a whole lot and it takes time, determination and effort to be a professional Digital Marketer (working on it myself).

It doesn’t work that way and it took me a while to understand that and let it sink.

I was always all about “knowing and doing” everything in no time.

No dulling, no stalling! (that was my motto)

Unfortunately, that motto isn’t the right one in this concept.

When you get frustrated, put everything aside and just relax, and I mean RELAX.

After a while, go back to what is getting you upset (mind you, the first thing that triggered it) and try to figure out what exactly got you upset and deal with it.

And remember, it’s okay to not have everything figured out immediately.

Let me give an instance;

I read up on copywriting and I was finding it hard to grasp everything because it’s quite broad, I got angry at myself because I had limited time to understand it all (or so I felt I had limited time) but I decided to move to something else and again, I got angry about not being able to grasp that too(that’s two write ups on an entire course I was trying to grasp in less than an hour).

I just became so overwhelmed that I could feel my body overheating literally, I had headache and I couldn’t eat, (kinda weird for a foodie, I know), that’s how bad it got for me. It weighed me down and messed with my self-esteem, I felt I wasn’t good enough or I was too lazy to understand it which isn’t true.

I struggled with that and till now, it’s still one of my shortcomings but I believe I’m getting better and I am.

I’m someone that’s crazily goal-driven and I want to do so much that sometimes I bombard myself with too much but one rule that’s relevant here is “taking it a step at a time”.

Taking things slow and allowing yourself to embrace the downfalls and successes because they’re all part of the journey.

Just like I said earlier;

No great individual got to where they are today by just winning.

There were failures, setbacks, disappointments and most often than not, these are more rampant but being consistent enough to understand that it’s all part of the process will cause breakthrough in the end.

As you all know, I just started out in writing and blogging and I must say, I feel fulfilled😀.

Yes, I’ve felt discouraged a whole lot of times but this is what I want to do and I’m ready to endure whatever comes my way.

Just a while ago, I got an offer for writing, due to some reasons, I lost it but almost immediately I got another offer!

Just keep doing it what you’re doing

Just do literally.

Do what you can.

You feel things aren’t working out for you, just do what you’re doing.

Before you know it, (without you causing it to happen)

It’ll all lay out in front of you

And remember;

Start where you are
Use what you have
Do what you can

me and bestie wrote this❤️


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