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Block ‘em🖤

Writer: Ijale AyomikunIjale Ayomikun

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

Is it just me that notices this?

why does everyone seem to care less when nothing bad manages to happen but once a somewhat mistake comes along,


They’re all over with their talks, snarls and negativity.

Using their words to bring you down

I know it’s;





every synonym!

But you know what?

We still gotta keep moving and just pretend those words were never said (go in one ear and go out the next) LITERALLY

A quote says

“Failure is not to be feared.

It is from failure that most growth comes”

There is no success without failure and there is no good result without making series of mistakes. It’s all part of the process.(by me)

That alone would keep you(me) from letting what anyone says get to you(me).

Like they say “It’s a free world!”

They can say or do whatever they like.

But don’t give them your confidence,self-esteem for FREE.

Keep doing you!

And on the long run, you’ll see results...❤️


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