Following a (more or less) routine everyday will no doubt make us feel better about ourselves!
So I’ve put together something little for us (including me;and it no doubt helps a lot)
And it’s as follows;
•Wake up feeling blessed!
It’s always better to have an optimistic spirit from the moment you get up from bed... It only helps you go about the day feeling on top of the world!
Waking up alone is a blessing!
Lifting your hands and legs is a blessing...
A grateful heart is the best thing to have as an individual...You see the world differently, not how an average individual would... You see the possible in impossible and before long, you see it manifest!
You notice you’re happier and less stressed just because of that grateful spirit!❤️
•Always remind yourself that you’re far more precious than jewels!(it’s in the Bible you know)
Looking within and figuring out who you are is a big step to overcoming inferiority complex..
One thing that has helped get rid of my insecurities is seeing others being confident in themselves and who they are.
Believing they’re unique and loving themselves, so why can’t I do the same?
Stop being busy doubting yourself when a lot of people are intimidated by your great potential ; Quit looking at what others have and embrace what you have; what God has placed in you to stand out of the crowd!
You can’t be someone else!
You are you!
And being someone else will only make you a replica of that person..
Why not be an original of you and only you?
Think about it...
We hold great potential and we should believe that we’re one in a trillion! Because that’s what we are...
•Go about the day grateful for everything you have and cherish!
Again,being grateful... I don’t know about you but when I’m grateful, it always keeps a smile on my face for the rest of the day because I’m assured that everything will be fine and nothing takes away that joy, nothing, because I conclude in my mind that nothing’s gonna stop me from being happy!
It all starts from determination and a positive mindset.
Being satisfied with what you have in the meantime and believing that what you want is coming is a very good attitude to display!
It doesn’t only keep you happy but also you’re rest assured that things won’t remain the way they are..
Everything in life is a phase.
“This too, shall pass” as they say.
We only go through these phases to get us stronger and more resilient.
They also say; “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”... I sincerely believe that that’s a 100% true.
It’s progression and you’ll get to that place you wanna get to... All you need is to be GRATEFUL, PATIENT and HOPEFUL/OPTIMISTIC...
•Surround yourself with things that is of value to you and will encourage you to be a better individual!
We only get intimidated because we allow ourselves get exposed to what would only be of negativity to us.
When we aren’t mature enough to handle some things on social media etc; it becomes toxic and it’s always best to do away with them.
One secret I’ve learnt is to block or mute their stories or I just delete their numbers from my phone. It’s as simple as that.
Not because you dislike them or they did you wrong but for your well-being and sanity.
It’s really helped me a lot.
Life is way too valuable to waste on sulking!
Take things easy and a step at a time!
There’s no rush really...
These are a few things that I’ve put into my daily routine of coming out as a better version of “moi”...(you can chip them into yours as well)
I’ll be back with Part 2..
Try it!
Promise it helps...
Is there any of yours you’d like to share with me?
Tell me about it in the comment section!
I’d love to hear from you!❤️
This is quite motivating. Thank you for this.