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How I learnt to accept myself and my talents

Writer: Ijale AyomikunIjale Ayomikun


> Realization

> Figuring it out

~Helping hand

> ACTUALLY going for it

~Helping hand

> Being humble

First of all, let’s all come to the fact that we all have talents and they are unique just the way they are...

Putting our talents to good use goes a long way.

Now why would we want to waste our fearfully and wonderfully made talents?

If you didn’t know(or chose not to accept it); WE INDEED ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE.

Do you know what it means to be fearful?

To make something fearfully?

In an anxious, deliberate manner.

You’re intentional, calculating precisely.

Conscious enough to avoid mistakes.

Imagine yourself as an artist;

Drawing, sketching, scribbling, adding colors and paint here and there, creating your one of a kind masterpiece, completely different from the others...

All artworks and designs created by an artist are never the same. Each and every one of them is different and unique. The inspiration for one is completely different from the other.

Does that sound familiar?

Refresh your memory with this

Giving your masterpiece patterns and designs to make it stand out.

Making sure you’re doing everything right, avoiding mistakes...

And sometimes you do leave those ‘mistakes’ because you know something ravishing, aesthetic, beauteous can and will come out of it.

You know that masterpiece won’t be exquisite without that splash of paint at the side or a smudge here and there-(just to name a few)

‘Releasing perfectionism and embracing mistakes’

That’s how we were made!

The Lord is the one true doyen artist and we’re the artworks.

Our imperfections make us who we are and you shouldn’t want to be “perfect” because your aim and goal should be to stand out from the crowd... Be uniquely different!

Be your own imperfectly perfect self!

What do you see when you look within?

What’s that thing that makes you happy?

That you want to share with the world?

That’s the jackpot!

Figuring out what you love doing is such an achievement likewise figuring out how you’re going to help people with your gifts.

A lot of people find it very hard to achieve that.

I know, I know

I know what y’all are saying

“but I’ve tried that many times, still hasn’t worked”

How about finding a problem and fixing it?

Look around you.

What’s that stuff that you want to make right so badly?

And not long after, you’ll actually figure out what your talent is.

For better understanding, I’ll use my story as an example.

In as much as I have a lovely singing voice, it wasn’t what I wanted to take up as a career (doesn’t mean I’m abandoning my gift).

There was always this drive I had to help people and TA DA here I am now(could be different from yours-we all have different stories)

And I’m definitely not stopping at just owning a blog and being a writer isn’t just the only career I’m pursuing.

So yes; along with your talents, having at the back of your mind that you want to solve a hurdle(quandary,Catch-22), bring change; is a milestone and just the beginning of your journey...You can do so many things that inspire you(that’s what I’m doing).There’s no limit to that.

Helping hand:

< It’s not about making so much money but finding out what you really want out of life.

Help people, spread happiness with your gifts.

< Don’t make bad choices because of pressure from others.

Sometimes it could be difficult to really know what you want because of all the things being said to you from time to friends, strangers, family and the rest.

Take time to block out the outside voices and listen to the voice from inside.

Not gonna let others insecurities decide what I want and you shouldn’t too.

Now that that’s out of the way; sometimes due to our “imperfections” we believe we’re not good enough to carry out that task, that dream that we want a reality.

To be frank, we only believe we’re not “good enough” because we see others succeed and wonder “when is mine coming Sigh; when am I gonna make it? I’m scared I’m not gonna make it, why do I even have to get what I want the hard way, why does it come easy for them?”

I urge you not to compare your gifts with others (Be content and practice gratitude)

And also remember that your story is completely different from theirs (no matter how little the difference, you’ll always have something remarkable to say about your journey)

Believe it or not; those you’re comparing yourself to, don’t have what you have, and that’s a fact! (believe me, they have their own troubles no one knows of)

Just like we’re all made uniquely so are our stories.

Even though this is in the Bible (as many of us might not want to adhere to it), it should be applicable to everyone (simplified by The MSG Translation and me):

When trouble comes your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy in the end. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.

Take the most unexpected attitude when bad times descend, learn from your troubles, build yourself upon patience and endurance and keep working hard for what you want.

That experience will do some good (a whole lot of good actually), it fine-tunes us.

Sometimes trials teach us many things essential to life, just like how to persevere and keep pushing... It helps build character too.

And remember; when troubles come your way, welcome them as teachers, however unpleasant they may be.

Go back to those days in high school, there’s always one teacher you disliked. In as much as he or she could be a pain in the butt, you needed the teacher to get promoted to the next class and at the end you figure out that it was worth it.

Take advantage of your troubles. (Look at them in a positive perspective. Search for the bright light at the end of the tunnel)

They will only shape you and mold you into the best version of yourself.

How mundane it is to get what you want the easy way really. Nothing to fuel your passion, nothing to share with others. Nothing to keep you going. I don’t know about you but I want to be known for making a difference in humanity, bringing change. I can’t do that without that eccentric, distinctive story to back me up.

Also, stay focused and be determined then you’ll see that dream come to reality.

Likewise life is all about taking risks.

You don’t know what will happen until you actually try it out.

It might work out at first, then again, it might not and if it doesn’t, you try again!

You can’t expect to be excellent at something at your first try.

You can’t expect or believe to get it once or be accepted the first “gazillion” times actually.

I know that’s kinda scary but it’s the truth.

A lot of us give up after the first, second try forgetting ‘there’s no success without failures’

We don’t welcome the hard lessons of life.

The inventor of bulbs tried how many times again?

Yeah and we still use it till this very age and time.

The popular “squid game” was first created years back, it was rejected so many times yet it has become one of the most watched series of all time... Research says he’s currently riding high on the success of his Korean drama 'Squid Game'. The show that is currently ranking No 1 around the world, took 10 years in the making.

He didn’t give up and that’s what not giving up gave him... This was the right time and he didn’t dwell on the fact that he had been rejected so many times...

Sure he might have, actually he would have felt like giving up once in a while but the point is HE DIDN’T.

You feel “like” doesn’t mean you should!

You don’t want to settle for less.

So don’t do what attracts settling for less.

Helping hand:

> Don’t dwell on problems because they’ll only get worse

> Dwell on advantages and you’ll get opportunities

You have a dream or passion, go for it!

> You are not your thought, you are the one who notices them(simply means what you’re thinking of is only a lie you created in your head)

> Simply look at the bright side and forget the bad and ugly

For all you know you might be stressing it and it’s all in your head.

Take advice from those in your field!

Research research research!

Be open to criticism, advice, reproval, private denunciation.

Be ready to make mistakes and accept corrections.

You can’t be perfect from the beginning of your journey.

I just started this journey of blogging and writing and I know I’m not perfect.

Sure I have and have always had the gift but there’s no such thing as being perfect at it... still gotta keep learning and relearning and unlearning.

Relearning meaning going back to what I have learnt and have forgotten.
Unlearning meaning leaving behind what isn’t of value to me anymore and isn’t helping me.

I can and will only get better at this.

So will you.

And sometimes when we’re stuck, falling back to our mentors, teachers; goes a long way..

And remember:

> You can never live a maximized life with an under-utilized gift.
Make great use of it!



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